- On the publication specification, select Not published
- Click Create to list refset name in the Assets panel
- The new refset will be displayed in the Assets list:
- Select the refset you have just created and press the blue Open Asset button on the right to open the task screen, where the members are assigned.
- This screen shows the Refset Editor on the left and the Development queries by default. However, you can search the concept to be coded in the Search tab on the left and open it in Concept details tab on the right, as usual.
- You may import concepts from briefcase to create a list of concepts:
In the Refset Editor panel, click Import concepts from briefcase to create a list of concepts
- You may add additional refset members by dragging a concept from the concept summary panel to the refset editor
- Back to the Asset Library, now you should synchronize your content. You will see that by default, TO BE PUBLISHED AS CONCEPT window appears as not published, but you must select in which refset will your concept be published:
- The dropdown menu will display all the existing refsets. Select one of them and press the blue button Compare with published members to synchronize.
- A modal window will be opened, which gives you the option of synchronize with the asset you have just created as the master or with the already published refset. In case of selecting the first option the following warning will appear:
…and the following message upon pressing OK button:
- Clicking on the chevron right icon will show the concepts included in the asset:
- Now, if you open your refset editor again, you will see that any of the listed members will be shown as a simple refset member in the Concept Editor’s refset tab.
You can also use queries to include refset members. In the example, we will create a new query including children of Acute appendicitis:
- In the Development Queries tab we selected a concept of the asset and dragged it into the query window. We specified that we needed to include all the children of Acute appendicitis by selecting the ‘Children of’ option in the dropdown menu and then pressing the Add condition button.