Concepts assigned for translation to each author may be accessed directly from the inbox (all authoring actions can start from the inbox) or from the Translation Editor.
The worklist items in the center and they can be filtered by text (partial or complete words) and/or by states:
The activity preview panel is shown on the right, with the selected worklist component and its parent(s) and children (if any), the task to be done, the current status of the concept to be translated, the person who created the assignment along with the date and the author to whom the concept has been assigned. Also, a field for comments is included. Comment’s author, time and date are added upon saving., on the right:
The following steps will describe actions required for new translations.
- Click Initialize translation to automatically create a fully specified name (FSN) and a description with preferred acceptability (the preferred term, PT) identical to the FSN without the semantic tag.
- Enter a translation according to your language rules and click Accept
- Click Add new description to open another translation field to add a synonym and choose its description type, acceptability and case sensitivity.
- Select the Green checkmark to accept the new description.
- Click Save, otherwise the new description will be lost (unsaved descriptions will be shown with an asterisk that disappears upon saving).
- Click pencil icon (
- Select the Green checkmark to accept changes.
- Click Save, otherwise changes will be lost
- Click Link from source where a reference to a description in the source language is required (e.g. for organisms). The referenced description will be included in the target language refset.
- Select Acceptability in the drop-down menu (the only change allowed for linked descriptions). FSN and PT may be added by clicking Add new description as described above.
- Select the Green checkmark to accept changes.
- Click Save, otherwise changes will be lost.