All translation tasks may be performed in the Translation Editor as well as in the Inbox. Usually, translations of worklists assigned to a single author are performed from the Inbox following the translation workflow, while the Translation Editor is used to translate individual concepts. The Translation editor opens the translation panel directly. The following image shows the Translation panel accessed through the Inbox.
The Translation info panel on the left shows all the descriptions edited in the source language. By default, active and inactive descriptions are shown. If required, only active ones may be displayed by selecting this option in the preferences icon ( ). Inactivated descriptions are shown in pink with Acceptability = Not acceptable.
The lower part of the Translation Info panel includes an automated Similarity Results table displaying the available translations of similar concepts. If no available translations of similar concepts exist, all the descriptions are displayed in the source language. The user may populate the text box with other search terms, which will be similarly displayed in the source and target languages.
Other tabs included in this panel include:
- Taxonomy, displaying the SNOMED CT tree, which may be browsed and dragged into the right panel as explained in the Concept Editor's Taxonomy tab
- Search, described in Search tab
- Favorites, described in Favorites tab
- Activities, described in Activities tab
Translation tasks
Active/Active and Inactive on the upper part of the translation panel refers to how descriptions will be displayed. By default, active and inactive descriptions are displayed but the user may choose to see active descriptions only. As mentioned above, inactive descriptions are displayed with pink shading and acceptability = not acceptable. This is useful because occasional reactivation of previously inactive descriptions is required, and this display simplifies the identification of inactivated descriptions.
If a concept is to be translated, the source descriptions are displayed on the left and the translation panel opens on the right. Automation tools have been designed for this purpose to assist in the translation process while saving time.
The +syn button will open an edition field where the new description shall be entered. Description type appears as Synonym by default, with Acceptability = Preferred. By pressing the Green checkmark to accept the new description, the Preferred term (PT) and a Fully Specified Name (FSN) are automatically generated.
Click the Save changes button; otherwise the new description will be lost (unsaved descriptions will be shown with an asterisk that disappears upon saving). To undo all previous editing actions, click the Cancel button.
Some descriptions in particular concepts are equivalent in source and target languages, as in the case of some concepts in the Organisms hierarchy. In these cases, descriptions are not to be newly created in the target language, but need to be linked to the source terminology corpus. This is done by the Link from source function. This function will create a link to a concept description from the source language that needs to be represented unchanged in the target language.
After selecting a description from the drop-down list, the linked description appears grayed. This shade means that neither description type nor description status may be changed since the description belongs to the source language refset. Only Acceptability may be changed, since a description that is preferred in one language refset may be preferred or acceptable in the target language refset. By pressing the Green checkmark to accept the linked description, the PT (or a synonym) and a FSN are automatically generated.
Run computer-assisted translation is an assistance tool that produces automatic translations. This tool shows three automatic translation options and editing a FSN, a synonym or a text definition may be selected. This will open an edition field with the automatic translation, which may be modified by the user based on target language rules. By pressing the Green checkmark to accept the automatically-generated description, the PT (or a synonym) and a FSN are automatically generated.
Saving changes
Regardless of the type of description selected, all changes must be saved, otherwise the new descriptions will be lost (unsaved descriptions are displayed with an asterisk that disappears upon saving).
Adding further synonyms
Add new description will enable creating as many synonyms as necessary. When a description with preferred acceptability has already been created (i.e., a preferred term), additional synonyms by default will have acceptability = Acceptable.
Editing descriptions
An existing description may be edited by clicking over the description itself and introducing changes right there. For unpublished descriptions, changes may be introduced in the term text and in its description type, and acceptability and case sensitivity may be modified as well. In descriptions already published, it is not possible to modify the term text. Thus, published descriptions should be inactivated to replace them with new ones. However, acceptability and case sensitivity may be changed in published descriptions (e.g., a preferred term may be turned into a synonym).