General Concept Inclusions, known as GCIs, are logic constructs that are used in advanced OWL Expressivity projects to create logic axions that describe the relationships between two Class expressions.

Normal concept definitions specify that a concept is a subclass of a Class expression, or that is equivalent to, a Class expression. A GCI allows to specify that a Class expression is a subclass of another class expression. This is usually useful to add general subsumption rules that are not definitional and affect many similar concepts/classes.

Read more about GCIs on the Ontogenesis Blog, "Being complex on the left-hand-side: General Concept Inclusions".

How to create a CGI

  1. Open the GCIs tab next to the "New Concept" tab. If the option is not present this means that the project is not configured to use advanced Description Logic, check with the Project Manager.
  2. Click on the plus ( + ) icon to enter Edit mode for a new GCI:
  3. To start the definition of the class expressions on the GCI drop a concept on the left and right hand side, and select the operator type, in this case "subclass of":
  4. Click on refine on the Left Hand Side to specify an expression, attributes are added just like authoring a normal concept, for example:
  5. Managing a large set of GCIs can be challenging so it is possible to group GCIs in some meaningful categories, in order to understand the use case behind the axiom. These groups have no logical meaning and is not represented in OWL, it is only an organization tool for authors.
  6. Click on the Green button to confirm the new GCI
  7. The GCIs are listed, and the groups of related GCIs can be expanded or collapsed. The GCIs list can also be viewed as Compositional Grammar expressions
  8. The GCI will be converted to OWL and sent to the Classifier on the next classification run.