Synchronizing an Asset with the Refset

Synchronizing an Asset with the Refset


When you edit the Refset members in termSpace, those changes doesn’t actually impact on the Refset itself, but in a playground entity called “Asset“. You will have to Synchronize it for the changes to be ready for the next publication.

For an Asset to be published as part of the next Terminology Release, it must be synchronized with an existent Snomed CT concept that represents the Refset. Click here for more info on Concept Creation.

The Snomed CT concept created to represent a Refset must be descendant of the correspondant Refset type concept.
For example: A concept created to publish a Simple Type reference set must be descendant of 446609009 |Simple type reference set (foundation metadata concept)|.

Synchronizing an Asset with the Refset

  1. For Synchronizing an Asset with it’s correspondant Snomed CT Concept, select the concept from the “To be published as concept” dropdown.


  2. Now you must compare the members present in the Asset with those present in the actual Refset. Click on the “Compare with published members button”.

    This will bring up to six possible lists:
    - Shared Concepts: Concepts that are members of both Asset and Refset.
    - Different Value: For Refsets with extra columns (For example Simple Map or Ordered), concepts that are members of both Asset and Refset, but have different values for each one.
    - Only in Asset: Concepts that are members of the Asset, but not of the Refset yet.
    - Only in Refset: Concepts that are members of the Refset, but were afterwards removed from the Asset.
    - Concepts duplicated in Asset: Concepts that were added twice or more to the Asset.
    - Concepts duplicated in Refset: Concepts that were added twice or more to the Refset.

Info: Lists without members are displayed here for clarification, but won’t be shown in your production environment.

3. termSpace also provides some extra functionalities to manage members between Assets and Refset.

- Sync with Asset as Master: This will replace all Refset members with the Asset members.
- Sync with Refset as Master: This will replace all Asset members with Refset members.


Once the Asset is correctly linked with a Concept to be published and the members are refined, it’s ready for the next publication.

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