Creating FHIR ValueSet resources

Creating FHIR ValueSet resources

The Asset Library contains the refset definitions and publication options. Published or dev refsets can be populated and updated from this tool. A new feature was added to create FHIR ValueSet resources based on refset asset content.

Opening the Asset library will show lists of saved queries, authored refsets and external refsets on the left, a central assets list, and a right asset preview. The FHIR valueSet feature is available on the asset preview panel.

FHIR ValueSet feature summary

Define the valueSet type (extensional or intensional)

Add an optional prepared expansion (intensional valueSet)

Edit ValueSet info

Simplifier.net integration, configurable

Export Fhir resource in json format or publish to simplifier

Beta release, available for simple type refsets only

Step-by-step guide

  1. On the asset preview panel, Click on Edit FHIR . A modal window will open to start editing the valueSet

    Note: Edit FHIR button is enabled only for simple type refset assets with at least 1 member concept (either published or local)

2. On the modal window, define the valueSet type from the Compose include menu

  • Chose asset codes for extensional valueSets: this option will add the codes into the compose.include element.
  • Chose refset definition for intensional valueSets: this option will add a concept in refsetId filter into the compose.include element.

Note: Extensional Valuesets can be defined for local asset codes (dev or not published as refset members), or for published refsets. Intensional Valuesets should be defined for published refsets only.

3. If intensional valueSet type is defined, additional fields are displayed:

Refset ID, not editable, shows refset concept ID associated with the asset

ADD Expansion: Check to add a prepared expansion.

Expansion identifier: optional element, uri type

4. Complete other editable fields with the valueSet info including URL, name, CodeSystem and version. Some fields are prefilled but editable

5. Configure your Simplifier.net account and project information and click on Save

6. Download the valueSet resource or send it to simplifier.net

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