

The Inbox is the fist screen you will see when entering a project. Depending on the role of the user, they will have different options available. Translators and authors will generally work on a basis of assignments and worklists assigned to them by their project manager or supervisor. They will find their worklists in their inbox. To see the worklists currently assigned to you, click on the green box InboxThe inbox contains tasks assigned to individual users or groups of users.  Authoring actions such as translation, concept editing, concept creation, QA review, etc., may be performed from the inbox, according to the author's assignments. Another possible course of action is to access the Concept Editor or the Translation editor using the direct links that appear below the heading SNOMED CT AUTHORING TOOLS.


The inbox includes a list of 'to-do' items with assignments displayed as worklists, worklist items and an activity preview panel. Three areas can be distinguished inside the Inbox: the Assignments area (on the left), where all the worklists will be displayed; the Worklist Items area (middle area), where the actual elements of a particular worklist will be listed (for example, concepts to be translated or to be authored); and the Activity Preview area (on the right), where you can see the concept selected and a series of details regarding that item (concept ID number, who last viewed it, when it was created, etc). From this last area it is also possible to change the workflow status of the concept, change the assignee to another collaborator and include comments for other team members to see. 


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