Asset Library

The Asset Library contains previously saved queries as well as asset/refset definitions, allowing the user to edit and manage them in preparation for the next Terminology Release.

  • Queries: queries may be created to identify a set of Snomed concepts based on one or many premises. Queries can be created from the "Terminology Queries" module in termSpace. Once saved, queries will be dispalyed in the Asset Library, and it's results can be synchronized into a refset to be published as an extensional refset, or can be published as a serialized query, an intensional refset. More details on query creation can be found in our How-to Article.
  • Authored refsets: these are refsets created by an author. Once the content of the refset is modified by the user, it must be synchronized so the changes are ready for the next publication. Not syncronizing those changes will make them remain only in termSpace, but the refset will not actually be modified. This provides more control on each Refset content, making it possible for the user to preview the final state of the refset without actually modifyinf it's content. More details on Refset Synchronization can be found in our How-to Article.
  • External refsets: refsets already published in the terminology. These are static refsets, and should be converted to an authored refset to be edited.