Changes to already published translations

Changes may be done to already published descriptions in their acceptability, case sensitivity and description status (active/inactive). However, description text cannot be changed. Should this be required, the description should be retired and a new one created. The description type cannot be changed, i.e., a synonym cannot become a text definition or a fully specified name. The fields for the description text and description type appear grayed out and no actions are allowed.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Click the pencil icon () to open the edition window.

  2. Open  Acceptability to change Acceptability to Acceptable, Preferred or Not Acceptable
  3. Open Case sensitivity to change case sensitivity to Sensitive or Insensitive.
  4. Open Description status to change Description Status to Active or Inactive

    When a description is inactivated, Acceptability should always be changed to 'Not acceptable'

  5. Select the Green checkmark to accept changes.
  6. Click Save, otherwise any changes will be lost.