Comparing an Authored Refset membership to an Excel representation

The Asset library has a function that allows the user to compare an Authored Refset with an Excel file, to check if the meberships are aligned.

1- Go to the Asset library

2- Select an Authored Refset to compare

3- Click on "Open asset" to enter the authoring panel

4- Open the briefcase, and empty it

5- With "Choose file" and "Import from file" import the Excel representation of the refset into the briefcase, selecting the appropriate columns for id and term in the excel spreadsheet.

6- The briefcase will be filled with the Excel Membership

7- Close the briefcase panel, and scroll to the bottom of the Authored Refset list to find the "Compare with briefcase" button

8- The compare with briefcase panel will show all the concepts in both locations, with a mark stating the presence on each of the sources

This utility helps you find differences between the two sources.